Archive for September 7th, 2012

September 7, 2012


I realized when I first tried to buy eggs at the store here that we would need to get chickens ASAP. I wanted fresh eggs from a good source, and the best way to have that is to have your own chickens.

The chickens are wonderful – three barred rock and three production reds – in a cute little coop/chicken tractor that would not have gotten built except that my dad is awesome and did the majority of the construction – and my mom who helped too!  We have already collected about a dozen eggs in the first week, including a double-yolker. The yolks are a deep golden yellow – not pale like store eggs! They are so fun to watch, as they contentedly scratch around the yard and eat leafy greens. I think they like Chris better than they like me, which is funny. They think the grass around his feet tastes better than the grass around my feet!

The Coop!
Happy chickens.